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Part Time Summer Job Opportunity for a Student

  • 1.  Part Time Summer Job Opportunity for a Student

    Posted 05-12-2022 11:59
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    Hello Commons!

    I'm writing to share an educational research project here at the UCAR Center for Science Education (SciEd). SciEd is looking for any students who might be interested in working part-time with us on this project over the summer.

    Since the installation of our climate change exhibition in 2016 at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Mesa Lab Visitor Center, we have been collecting visitor contributions to our Climate Story area. People have responded to various prompts such as "How have you personally been affected by climate change?" and "If you could invent anything to address climate change what would it be?" We're interested in doing research to learn from these stories, and in order to do that we need to add all of the data from the cards people submitted (with text and illustrations) to a spreadsheet to organize this information.

    The attached flier provides information about this part-time summer job opportunity. We're looking for 1-2 students to work on the project. The hours are flexible, the work can be done remotely, and we'll pay $30-$40/hour depending on qualifications/experience. The deadline to submit the interest form is Sunday, 22 May. 

    We would appreciate it if you could share this opportunity with students, especially if they are interested in STEM education, educational research, and/or informal/museum education. 

    Thanks so much!

    Emma Hagen
    Program Specialist
