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  • 1.  Purdue postdoc position

    Posted 09-06-2023 15:29

    A postdoctoral position investigating cloud-aerosol interactions using stable water vapor isotopes and cloud microphysics observations is available in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University. The postdoctoral researcher will join Professor Lisa Welp analyzing observations measured during the Southern California Interactions of Low cloud and Land Aerosol (SCILLA) airborne experiment, complementing the Eastern Pacific Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (EPCAPE) DOE ARM mobile facility deployment in La Jolla, CA. The SCILLA research flights investigated the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer off-shore during the month of June 2023. The postdoctoral researcher will be supported by DOE ASR funding to quantify dry air entrainment and cloud drizzle processes drying the cloud layer using water vapor stable isotopes. They will also work closely with the cloud microphysics data measured by collaborator Professor Patrick Chuang's research group at the University of California Santa Cruz. 

    Candidates for this position should have recently completed their Ph.D. or should expect to complete their degree requirements by the start date, in atmospheric science or relevant Earth science program. Previous experience with the analysis of atmospheric gases or isotopes or a strong understanding of marine boundary layer processes is preferred. Candidates interested in this position should have a record of scientific achievement, and excellent verbal and written communication skills. Initial appointments are for 12-18 months with renewal for up to a total of 2.5 years upon review. The start date is flexible. A background check is required for employment in this position.

    Applicants should supply (a) a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications, (b) a statement of research interests and goals including qualifications for the position (maximum 2 pages) and (c) e-mail address of three references to: Lisa Welp (lwelp@purdue.edu). Potential applicants are welcome to contact Professor Welp prior to applying to learn more about the project. Applications will be reviewed immediately, and the position will remain open until filled.

    Applications can also be submitted to: https://careers.purdue.edu/job-invite/28111/

    Lisa Welp
    Purdue University
    West Lafayette IN