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NASA Heliophysics Summer School Opportunity

  • 1.  NASA Heliophysics Summer School Opportunity

    Posted 11-29-2022 09:37
    UCAR | CPAESS is accepting applications for the NASA Heliophysics Summer School which focuses on the physics of space weather events that start at the Sun and influence atmospheres, ionospheres, and magnetospheres throughout the solar system. This year's theme is Observational Heliophysics.

    The Summer School has two sections. There will be a remote phase from July 17-21, 2023; and an in-person phase from August 7-11, 2023. We have expanded the summer school to include a remote phase so that more people can participate. Admission is competitive; up to 50 students are selected to attend each year. The deadline for applications is March 3, 2023. Find out more here!

    Rachel Dammann