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New! WINGS Dissertation Fellowship!

  • 1.  New! WINGS Dissertation Fellowship!

    Posted 10-25-2022 09:17
    WINGS Fellowship
    CPAESS is excited to announce the launch of a new fellowship with NOAA's Weather Program Office - the Weather Program Office (WPO) Innovation for Next Generation Scientists (WINGS) Dissertation Fellowship. The WINGS Fellowship is designed for Ph.D. candidates who have completed their required coursework, and in the beginning stages of writing a dissertation.  Fellows will work with their academic advisor and a mentor recommended by WPO and CPAESS, to provide  guidance  during  the dissertation process.  This inaugural award year will focus on research relevant to NOAA's Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) Program mission. Find out more here: cpaess.ucar.edu/wings

    Dawn Mullally