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NWS weather forecasting software supported by Unidata

  • 1.  NWS weather forecasting software supported by Unidata

    Posted 08-16-2022 10:55

    The National Weather Service (NWS) uses the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) to "process, display, and communicate meteorological data to make accurate weather predictions and dispense rapid warnings and advisories."  Our software engineers at Unidata have modified the AWIPS software package to distribute and use in academic settings.

    Unidata's AWIPS package is free to the public to download and is supported for MacOS, Windows, and CentOS Linux machines.  We offer access to our Jetstream2 cloud enabled backend server, and provide meteorological data coverage for the continental United States and more.

    AWIPS consists of three connected packages: CAVE which is a user application that allows for data visualization and analysis, EDEX which is the backend server, and python-awips which is a programmatic API to access data from EDEX servers.  The Unidata team supports all three aspects of AWIPS, and continues to develop and offer support for our user community.  As part of our support, we provide
    numerous educational resources such as documentation, asynchronous learning courses, blogs, and youtube videos. We just released a new version, 18.2.1-6, at the end of July.  We work closely with our academic users to provide tools and functionality they need to teach the next generation of forecasters and weather enthusiasts.

    For more information, email support-awips@unidata.ucar.edu

    Rachel Dammann