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Resources on preparing an NSF GRFP application

  • 1.  Resources on preparing an NSF GRFP application

    Posted 09-12-2022 18:20
    NCAR|UCAR recently held a workshop for interns in the broader GEO REU community on preparing an NSF GRFP application and they graciously offered to share the workshop resources with the UCAR Commons community. Applications deadlines start October 17. Learn more in the links below.

    1. The NSF GRFP information website with resources
    Includes deadlines and several resources to help with preparing an application.

    2. Video recording of the workshop (1:16:26)
    "Preparing an NSF GRFP Application"

    3. Alex Lang's Website
    This is an extremely helpful website that has several examples of successful personal statements, research proposals, and review comments. Note: every statement and proposal essentially has the same cookie cutter format (Personal Statement: Intro, Intellectual Merit, Broader Impacts, Future Goals, Research Proposal: Background, Aims/Methods/Hypotheses, Intellectual Merit, Broader Impacts). Follow the template closely.

    4. Blake's NSF GRFP Application Guide
    Step by step instructions on how to apply and tips for coming up with a research proposal. 

    5. Blake's Graduate School Application Guide
    Step by step instructions on how to get into graduate school! Starting with how to find a professor to work with/program to enroll in and ending with application tips!

    Rachel Dammann