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Save the date: Earth System Predictability Community Workshop

  • 1.  Save the date: Earth System Predictability Community Workshop

    Posted 11-02-2023 14:24

    You're invited to save the dates to attend a workshop hosted by NCAR to help shape our efforts to advance Earth system predictability research.

    What: Earth System Predictability Across Timescales Workshop
    When: April 10-12, 2024
    Where: NCAR's Center Green Campus in Boulder, CO
    Who: We're looking for participants who are, or who want to be, engaged in answering frontier science questions related to Earth system predictability from across disciplines and have interest in partnering with NCAR in this research. Please forward this email to colleagues you think might be interested.
    More information: Join our interest list by filling out this web form, and you'll receive an email when we have more information.

    Earth system predictability across timescales, including understanding and prediction of extreme weather and climate change impacts, is one of society's most pressing needs. Several community and agency reports highlight the need for foundational understanding and interdisciplinary research in Earth system predictability, including advancement of modeling tools, computational and artificial intelligence advancements, reduction of observational gaps, and partnerships across sectors and Earth system science disciplines. NCAR is responding to this national need by developing a roadmap on Earth system predictability across timescales research that will define an ambitious science plan for NCAR together with the broader community.

    In order to develop a comprehensive science plan that builds on NCAR's strengths and community partnerships, NCAR will be hosting a workshop. The goal will be to co-create a vision and plan to advance Earth system predictability research across the Earth-Sun system with the broader community that will inform the next NCAR Strategic Plan.

    The scope of the workshop will include predictability and prediction from weather to climate timescales across Earth system components (atmosphere, ocean, land, sea-ice, geospace, terrestrial and marine ecosystems), spanning timescales of minutes to days, subseasonal to seasonal, seasonal to decadal, and decades to centuries. Workshop participants will be involved in establishing key scientific questions, discussing needs for community modeling and analysis tool capabilities, better integration of observations and modeling, stakeholder engagement, and identifying partnership opportunities with the community.

    Both NCAR and the external community are invited to participate to help shape this effort. In order to help us with planning, if you are interested in attending this event, please fill out the Community Workshop Interest Form. To be considered for the External Advisory Committee for this effort, please send an email to Yaga Richter (jrichter@ucar.edu), the workshop organizer, by Nov. 15. More information and a workshop website will be forthcoming. If you have questions in the meantime, please email Yaga Richter at jrichter@ucar.edu.

    Rachel Dammann