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Submit an abstract to the US CLIVAR Workshop on Blocking and Extreme Weather in a Changing Climate

  • 1.  Submit an abstract to the US CLIVAR Workshop on Blocking and Extreme Weather in a Changing Climate

    Posted 11-21-2023 15:15

    US CLIVAR is accepting abstracts for our upcoming workshop on Blocking and Extreme Weather in a Changing Climate, now through December 1st 2023! The workshop will take place in Boulder, Colorado (and virtually), March 18th through 20th 2024.

    This workshop aims to advance our process-level understanding and diagnosis of the connections between atmospheric blocking and extreme weather in a changing climate, and the connections and feedback of climate variability to blocking and extreme weather. To achieve this goal, the workshop will: 1. Assemble diverse scientists across various research communities, enabling dialogue and exchange of ideas; 2. Synthesize the current understanding of blocking and extreme weather in a changing climate, including their representation in climate and weather models; and 3. Identify the most important knowledge gaps and modeling challenges, propose ways to move science forward, and enable new collaborations.

    Attendance is open to all, with participation sought from the atmosphere-ocean-ice coupling, remote sensing, climate modeling, paleoclimate, subseasonal to decadal prediction, climate feedback, and climate assessment communities. The workshop will be inclusive of attendees across career stages and identities (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, orientation). Applications for limited travel support will be available through registration for students, early-career scientists (within 10 years of last degree), and scientists from under-represented races/ethnicities.

    The three-day hybrid workshop will consist of oral sessions, poster sessions, and breakout group discussions focused on open questions regarding atmospheric blocking and extreme weather in a changing climate. Before the workshop, organizers will reach out to participants to solicit questions or controversial aspects to frame discussions. Breakout moderators will lead discussions to identify gaps in existing knowledge and brainstorm ways forward.

    Please email any questions to Alyssa at acannistraci@usclivar.org

    Alyssa Cannistraci