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2023 SOARS® Internship Program

  • 1.  2023 SOARS® Internship Program

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    Posted 12-13-2022 14:28
    UCAR is excited to announce the application opening of the Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) program. SOARS is dedicated to broadening participation in the atmospheric and related sciences. SOARS is an undergraduate-to-graduate program created to include multiple summer research opportunities, mentoring by expert scientists, engineers, and science professionals; and a supportive learning community. The summer research experience includes opportunities to engage in original scientific research, written reports and presentations, seminars, as well as peer and community mentoring. Additionally, SOARS includes year-round support, funding to attend conferences, and last-dollar tuition assistance. Successful Protégés are eligible to participate in the program for up to four (4) years.

    SOARS encourages applications from students who are members of communities that are historically marginalized in the atmospheric and related sciences; including students who identify as African American or Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Hispanic or Latinx, women, first-generation college students, veterans, and students with disabilities. Students from Minority Serving Institutions are encouraged to apply. SOARS welcomes students who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community; undergraduates and Community College students who have experienced, and worked to overcome educational or economic disadvantages; and/or have personal or family circumstances that may complicate their continued progress in research careers.

    Click here for more information.

    Rachel Dammann